Reginald Johnson


Outreach Coordinator 

Reginald “Reggie”, “Reg” Johnson served 27 years and 8 months for a crime he didn’t commit. He was a 15 year old kid in 1984 when the notorious, then DA Harry Connick, Sr. saw fit to throw him away as he did so many Black children! Reggie’s mama fought for her boys freedom until she closed her eyes and almost got it under DA Eddie Jordan until her was railroaded… As we still fight to clear Reggie’s name, Reggie’s focus’ are truth, bringing uncompromising people together to do the work, and the young people of New Orleans that look like him. A gifted youth facilitator, he designed the Roots to Resolve Program which brings us face to face with the ongoing trauma that we, as Black people have been and are continually plagued with holistically. Reg is hands down a whiz legally and is often teased about representing us along with our partner, Greg Carter, Esq, if one of us has to go to court! When Reggie is serving with his community, his loving on his wife and grandbabies!